When it comes to saving money, the last thing people think of is adding another bill. Bills can consume our lives if we’re not careful, ranging from necessary expenses like utilities to luxury costs such as a monthly spin class membership. However, one bill addition that won’t complicate your life further is renters insurance.
When you bundle renters insurance (an already affordable form of insurance) with other existing policies, you get discounts. To protect your prized possessions for little to nothing at all, get a free renters insurance quote comparison with CoverHound. Let us help you find the plan you’re looking for today!
Renters Insurance: The Benefits
Close your eyes for a minute and think about your apartment. Think about all of the items that make it feel like home. What’s your routine when you get home from work? Do you sit on your couch and prop up your feet on the coffee table? Maybe you pull out a book and sit in your favorite arm chair. Maybe the way you relax at home is by putting on some music and sitting out on the balcony, cold drink in hand. Now, imagine doing any of this after your home has been burgled and vandalized. How quickly do you think you’ll be able to jump back into your routine?
If you have renters insurance, it’ll be only a short amount of time before you can get back in the swing of your routine after a break-in. Without renters insurance, you’re looking at months of scrimping and saving to replace your damaged and stolen property. And if you’re like 63 percent of Americans, you might not have even enough savings to shield yourself against a $500 loss.
We don’t have the ability to look into the future and know what’s going to happen, but we can prepare for the unimaginable. Renters insurance helps us do that. With liability protection, personal possessions protection and living expenses protection, the Insurance Information Institute (III) tells us that renters insurance protects our things and our peace of mind. With financial protection provided for theft, vandalism, natural disaster and fire, and for no more than close to $16 a month for a baseline plan, renters insurance is a heck of deal. And when bundled with auto insurance, it complements our bank account, too.
Insurance Bundling: The Benefits
Insurance bundling fact: when you combine two or more insurance policies together, (let’s say renters and auto insurance) you are offered an insurance discount. This drops the price of both your renters and auto insurance policies, and turns them into one cost-effective, affordable bill. And when you do all of your business in one place, you can easily manage your e-bill, check your bill history, track your claims, check your claims history and update your policy all online in one convenient location: your home. Bundling is insurance made easy.
At CoverHound, we know that your time and money is precious. That’s why we’ve made finding insurance quotes easy. Check us out today to learn more about ways to save.
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