While it’s an age-old fact that very few spouses enjoy being taught how to drive by their bossy license-holding partner, little did we know that the feeling is reciprocated by those drivers who openly admit that they’ll do anything they can to avoid having their spouses as passengers in their cars when going on a journey.
But don’t take our word for it, as a recently conducted study on our car sharing habits determined that our spouses came out on top when asked to name the most annoying passenger.
A whopping 43% of the 1,000 drivers polled admitted that in their opinion their spouses tend to be the least likely person they’d invite to ride shotgun with them if given a choice in the matter. Partners even came above children in this eye-opening survey, who figured a long way back in second place having accumulated just 16% of the vote.
Brothers and sisters were considered the third most irritating passenger amongst the motorists quizzed, polling 11%, whilst our put-upon mums bore the brunt of 10% of respondents angst when they sat alongside the driver up front.
Dads fared slightly better, with just 8% adjudged to get our danders up when ferrying them around, with the remaining 4% of those questioned unable to pick between the worst of the worst as it were. Funnily enough, no mention of mother-in-laws?!
Cross-examining a cross-section of genders, both male and female drivers were asked to differentiate between either party being their least favoured passenger in a car, with 43% of men pointing the finger at women, and 41% citing their male partners as the last person they’d ideally like to drive somewhere in the company of.
A broad spectrum of age groups were in agreeance with this fact too, as the spouse option was picked by a spread of age ranges who had the question posed, with the only notable exceptions to this general rule being 18 – 24-year olds, who instead plumped for their dads.
Amongst other study findings was the many bad habits displayed by passengers which also irked drivers, not least that old chestnut, back-seat driving.
Meanwhile long-suffering drivers also listed fiddling with the radio, requesting toilet breaks and not wearing a seat-belt as being other predominant bugbears.
Observers feel that the best way forward might well be to have a heart-to-heart with those loved ones that routinely make your (driving) life miserable and draw up some basic ground rules before agreeing to taxi family and relatives anywhere else. Preferably before you drive the other person/each other up the proverbial wall and end up seeing a counsellor!
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