Men are more accident prone when it comes to gadget mishaps than women, if the findings of a new survey are to be believed.
Whether it be accidentally exposing their mobile phone to damage or going that step further and effectively totalling their laptop, it seems men tend to put their tech possessions unwittingly in the firing line more than their more cautious and accident-preventing female counterparts.
Evidence to support these latest claims emerge from a UK-wide poll which took on board statistics garnered from policyholders who went on to put in claims on their gadget insurance over the past 12 month period.
YourBudgetCover’s research unearthed figures which when calculated further alluded to some 13.28% of men having filed insurance claims on their dedicated gadget policies during 2015, compared with the 10.44% of women who contacted their policy providers for much the same reasons.
Yet there’s hope for hapless menfolk, with the emergence of a counter claim that lends credence to the underlying fact that more women (13.75% to be statistically precise) confirmed that they’d mislaid some important tech device (be it a mobile, tablet or laptop) during the same passage of time, in contrast with the 11.4% of men.
However men redress this balance once more when it transpires that 21.74% confirmed they’d been the victim of gadget theft in the past, a figure which essentially makes them perceivably more likely to lose their much-loved devices as the end product of an altercation with nefarious types of criminal intent.
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Addressing the age-old question of, well, age in terms of which demographic is more likely to make a claim on their gadget policy, and those in the 35 – 44-years category have, it materialises, filed for their loss on three occasions or more in the last year; and therefore considered to generally be the age group most expected to claim.
Having said that, the numerical stat which reads 17.95% still pales in comparison with the 41.07% of those aged 18-24 who’ve claimed on their gadget policy due to having dropped a device.
Elsewhere in this survey, those falling into the 18 – 24-year and over-55’s are deemed the most likely to have taken out a dedicated tech insurance in the first place, 28.03% and 27.78% respectively, whilst 45 – 54-year olds make up the opposite end of this particular spectrum, and admit to not having the foresight to secure their devices with the appropriate insurance measures (74.39%); and that’s despite over 30% recognising that said gadgets in their ownership have a current market value in excess of £1,000.
Meanwhile, Londoners are understood (courtesy of the study) to be least likely to insure their devices (69.74%), from a geographical perspective, yet conversely are highlighted as the area of gadget-owning population here in the UK identified as the most prone to finding fault with their tech devices (13% having pursued a claim).
For the record, the West Midlands fares the best in this area, with only 7.7% have claimed.
In summarising the insurance provider’s finding, a spokesperson for YourBudgetCover concluded;“These stats highlight the importance of getting some kind of insurance to protect your devices, particularly as the value of our gadgets seem to be increasing. Looking at the results from London, these are particularly worrying, especially as 13% of people find a fault with their device, yet over half of those living there don’t have insurance. Consumers may be shelling out a lot of money for a new phone or laptop, when protecting their gadgets can only cost a few pounds per month.”
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